Ok, either you get this or you don't but I love The Office on NBC. My father absolutely sees no humor in it at all and says that it is just silly. I have a theory behind this. My father has worked for CES(CHurch Education Systems) for over 23 years now and really does not know how it is to work in a normal office. When I first started watching the show... religiously, I was working with a group of individuals that reminded me of the office and my manager, whom I was not extremely fond of was exactly like Michael Scott, Regional Manager of Dunder-Mifflin Paper Co. Scranton, PA. I think that it was seeing my life in front of me and realizing how funny it was that helped me understand that the only thing to do is laugh about it all and realize that I needed to get a life outside of my work. The past few months have been interesting with the engagement and the wedding planning, but something that has sustained me through it all has been my weekly date nights with Dyan when we just sit back and watch our favorite programs.
Before you judge too much let me explain. I love watching movies and TV. I think that Dyan has said it best when she told me that, "Sometimes we just need that escape from our own reality and the down time to stop thinking." What a woman right? Hand off though, she is all mine ;-} I think that with how stressful life can be, it is always nice to have an escape and being able to share that with Dyan has been something that I have truly enjoyed.
To all you Office fans out there, I would suggest buying the special Season Three Office Box set. It comes with a Dwight bobble head and your very own "Dundie Award". Well worth it my friends!