Friday, October 24, 2008
Our Nation... Under God!
I was sent this link and I believe that it is a wonderful lesson and principle that we should all teach our children and something that each one of us should strive to hold close to our hearts as the teacher of this man had taught them. In times like these when we hear from the media that we are in dire times with the economy, war raging every where, and a political process that not only seems jaded but broken as well it seems to me that we all need to be reminded of the great things we have and the freedoms that we have been provided by this country and her flag. The same flag worn by our service men and women, our police officers, fire fighters, and that flies outside every patriots home. I know that not many people read this blog, and that is fine with me since I didn't start it for the fame and recognition of those around me but as a place to show what truly are the most important things in my life. My beautiful wife and out family, my church and all it has done for me, and my friends who have helped me through tough times. To see the movie go to:
or search for a video, it will be in black and white, of Red Skelton's pledge of alligiance.
When I was in Guatemala I had the opportunity to spend two years(minus two months for training) with some wonderful people and learn how others feel pride for their nation. I was sometimes surprised because what they took pride in we here in America would generally laugh at. Guatemala is a country that in it's military history knows nothing but defeat, their political class is ridiculous and nothing is done to help the unfortunate. While I was there I was also given the opportunity to spend part of every Monday writing emails to my family and scouring the local clothing shops(pacas) for cool ties and funny shirts. One day I went into a paca and saw something that actually made me feel offended. In place of doors sometimes they would just hang a sheet and hanging as a sheet in front of the bathroom was a United States flag. I walked up to the woman and demanded the flag. She told me that it was not for sale. I told her that it was my flag and I wanted it. She said that it was her sheet and it was not for sale. I told her that I would gladly pay as much as she paid for it if she would just sell it to me. She looked at me with that devil stare and said that she had paid twenty quetzales(their form of money) for it. Just to put it into perspective you could have bought a pair of shoes or even a couple shirts for that much. I think she said this amount to persuade me away from purchasing it. I took out my money and paid the twenty Quetzales for it and told her to take down my flag. She got up, rolled it and placed it in a bag. I paid her and she handed it to me. My companion and I unrolled it and folded it properly. I had been out of the country for almost a year then and I did not expect to feel so strongly about it but when I got back to my house we hung the flag up and put on "I am proud to be an American". I started to feel homesick right about then. Not for home so much but for my wonderful country and the freedoms that it gives. I think that there is a pride and a gracious attitude about our country and our flag that only those who have worn a uniform, whether it be military or even scouting, all the way to those who have spent time(More than a week) outside of our beautiful Nation. I am not trying to offend anyone that does not fit into that category but that is just how I feel.
A little while ago my wife came home from work and told me that he bosses were talking with her and the subject of shooting came up. She told them that we enjoy heading out to the desert to shoot targets and they were surprised that I shot and owned several guns. They said that they did not think that I was that type of guy. When my wife told me that I questions what kind of guy they thought I was. I told her that the next time they find out something that is surprising to them about me just to tell them that I am a patriot and that should resolve all concerns or doubts. Let us all be patriots and learn to love and serve our country as we strive to love and serve each other.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Maks' First Hair Cut

Monday, May 12, 2008
Our Puppy!!!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008
My other Mother

Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Brief Review...
Not a lot to report on, but I wanted to make sure that we keep this as updated as we can. Christmas came and went and all it really left us with is the desire to stay home from work and spend more time with family. That is the way I feel any way. Dyan is doing well. She will start school again soon and is a little disappointed in how long it might take her to finish her degree. ASU only offers classes she needs during the day when she is at work so she can only manage one or two classes a semester now. Things get the roughest right before you finish. I am already back in school but am happy that by mid-June I will be done with my Associate of Arts in Health Administration and will be moving on to my BS in Health Admin. All in all I am still looking at about 5 more years of school with a Master's. Not at lot of fun, but I need to take advantage of the opportunity to gain an education so that I can help my family. Dyan and I are going well together as well. We are talking about getting a dog soon and a friend of ours has offered us pick of the litter when their miniature Schnauzer has puppies. If you have any naming ideas please post them. I would like something some what German since he will be a Schnauzer, but we are open to what ever you guys might be able to come up with.
Quick Update: For those of you who do not know Dyan's mother Cyd is a two time Breast Cancer Survivor. She is amazing and has gone through so much and it all with a wonderful spirit and a beautiful smile on her face. Unfortunately we found out a couple months ago that a cough she has had for a while was actually breast cancer that has now migrated to her lungs, heart, and other parts of her body. At this point the doctor's say the best thing they can do is start chemo therapy and try to shrink the tumors, but that they can not cure them. As you can imagine this came as a blow to all of us as Cyd was basically told that she was clear of cancer and she was preparing to get her life started up again. In the past few months I have had a lot of time and many opportunities to see the power of the priesthood and the love of our Savior Jesus Christ manifested in the life of Cyd and our family. Cyd's desire to fight the cancer and live her life is something that has inspired me to live my life in a way that if I were to leave today no one would really be able to say anything bad about me. The love and power of the temple and it's blessings have been evident as well as I have been sealed to my sweet heart and have been accepted into the Campbell, Carr, and Carr-Smith family. I can truly say that I love my mother-in-law and am so proud to be a part of their family. Any way, to get away from the emotional stuff and back to the report, Cyd started chemo just before Christmas and recently went in to see the doctor this week. They told her that the chemo seems to be working and that her left lung appears to be completely clear and that now it is time to proceed and clear up the rest. This is exciting news since the doctors have told Cyd that they want to get the cancer shrunk so that her body can start recuperating from the affects it has been having on her heart and lungs. Once that is done we hope that she will be up and around a bit more. Love you all and I hope that all is well with the rest of you out there too.
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