Dyan finished her last Temple Prep. Class last night and we are both excited for her to go through the temple. I think that she is nervous, but ready to go. It is so exciting to think that we will be sealed in less than three weeks. It is strange to think that five months ago I asked her to marry me and that we are so close now to actually accomplishing what we set out to do, which is to be married in the temple for time and all eternity. I wouldn't have it any other way and I know that neither of us would want anything less. It is amazing to see how things have progressed in the past few months and how we have been able to accomplish as much as we have. It has been fairly stressful for Dyan, myself and our families, but we are so grateful to everyone that has helped us over the past few months. For Mom and Dad Abbott and all the support you have given us. To Momma Cyd for the advice and the help you have offered. To our friends and family that have wished us well and let us know how nice we look together. That is always nice to hear! Also, for all the people in our wards that have given us love and support. You guys are the best. Finally, I would just personally like to thank my beautiful fiance. Babers, you mean the world to me and I am so happy that you can put up with my craziness and love me in spite of how strange I am. I love you Dyan!