Working for University of Phoenix often brings up the question of whether or not I am going to school. I wanted to post a quick update and history of both Dyan and my educational background just to give a heads up for everyone. Dyan graduated from Mountain View High School and then went to Mesa Community College and finished a transfer Associates Degree in Business Accounting and then transferred over to ASU where she is finishing a degree in Accounting and Finance as double majors. If all goes well she should be finished with all her courses by December of 2009. She was almost finished with her Bachelors in Accounting when she found that with five extra classes she could double major. We talked about it and she decided to go for it. We are excited about her progress and the prospect of her graduating in December. I graduated from Westwood High School and after taking a month and a half off of school started the two year mission for our church and was called to Guatemala. After that I started working with University of Phoenix and attending Axia College to receive an Associates degree in Health Administration. I finished the AA in June of 2008 and am now in the process of finishing my Bachelors in Health Administration from University of Phoenix by September of 2009. It has been an interesting road and we have both actually been together since Dyan started at ASU and through the end of my Associates and now through my Bachelors. We are both looking at what educational paths might lie ahead of us. Dyan is still thinking about whether or not she will be pursuing a Master's degree and I am planning on starting my MBA in January of 2010. We will see what the future hold for us educationally as well as in our family and personal life.
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