Dad was released from his calling as Bishop after 5 and a half years two weeks ago. It was a little weird to think that it has been that long, but I guess those two years spent away on a mission made things seem shorter for me. This is a picture of Mom and Dad out on a date. The gondola driver/singer behind them is from their ward and is a professional singer. Last week, in the home ward, he sang "Oh My Father"(Hymn #292) in Sacrament Meeting and it was beautiful. It was one of Dyan's grandfather's favorite hymns and further he got into the hymn, the easier the tears began to flow. Meg also had the opportunity to speak in church at the home ward(Mesa Vista Ward) and I spoke in my ward(Lehi 4th). It was a really great Father's Day. Dad not only got to sit with mom for the first time in five and a half years, but also had two of his children speaking in two different wards, and was able to see them both. I hope we did him proud.
Josh, I think you were right on the money there. Dad couldn't have had a better Father's Day. It was so great having everyone together for most of the day!
I am always proud of my family. Nothing has made me more proud than to see my son become a man who has found his eternal sweetheart and to see how good a man he is. I think it makes me even more proud to see that he has choosen a woman who has so many of the qualities of his mother....the best person I know. Josh, this is what it is all about. FAMILY
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