Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Update/Honey Moon

Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Oh Happy Day!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007
My Baby... the girl, not the gun!

Guilty Pleasures...

Monday, August 27, 2007

Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Quick "Journal" Entry

Thursday, July 19, 2007
Family Photo Shoot
We went before Katie went into the MTC and did a family photo shoot with Heather Ives. It was a really fun afternoon and Dyan and I got a couple shots of just us as well. Instead of just copying and pasting the photos onto this blog I am just going to post the link to Heather's blog here. She did an awesome job and even made some of us look a lot better than we actually look in real life. I mean me by that. Enjoy the pictures, you can see them at
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Katie... I mean Sister Abbott entering the MTC
Monday, July 9, 2007
Friday, June 29, 2007
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Dad's Gift

Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Happy Father's Day!!!

Dad and Mom

Dad was released from his calling as Bishop after 5 and a half years two weeks ago. It was a little weird to think that it has been that long, but I guess those two years spent away on a mission made things seem shorter for me. This is a picture of Mom and Dad out on a date. The gondola driver/singer behind them is from their ward and is a professional singer. Last week, in the home ward, he sang "Oh My Father"(Hymn #292) in Sacrament Meeting and it was beautiful. It was one of Dyan's grandfather's favorite hymns and further he got into the hymn, the easier the tears began to flow. Meg also had the opportunity to speak in church at the home ward(Mesa Vista Ward) and I spoke in my ward(Lehi 4th). It was a really great Father's Day. Dad not only got to sit with mom for the first time in five and a half years, but also had two of his children speaking in two different wards, and was able to see them both. I hope we did him proud.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Dyan and I at my parents

Dyan and I
Parker's Graduation
Funny Lips
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Easter Sunday

Katie's Call

Katie got her mission call and is going to be serving in the Richmond, Virginia English Speaking Mission. She is excited and shocked. She promised a plate of brownies to anyone who guessed Virginia... I am still waiting for my brownies by the way. I think that she is partially excited because she wants to be a History Teacher and what better place to learn about History then where a lot of it happened. I caught her on Google Maps the other night looking over Richmond. Fun times, I kicked her off the computer and looked up all my houses in Guatemala. As we were looking over some of my areas, my mom asked what the difference between the brown dirt spots and the other brown dirt spots were? I laughed because I think that one of the brown dirt spots she was talking about was the roof of one of my houses. I am excited for my little sister. She gets to serve the Lord on a full time mission and learn what it means to dedicate yourself 100% to the gospel and the way that you have to live in order to be completely in tune with the spirit. It is an amazing feeling. Side note: When my dad, Willy, Jason, Cam, Thanner and I were going out to eat after Priesthood Session of Conference my dad brought up that President Faust had said something to the effect that his mission was the most influential part of his whole life. My dad said that he was surprised that a man that has served in so many church callings and so many different areas would say that the most influential part of his life was while serving a mission. I told my dad that I was not surprised. Although he has been an Apostle and a Special Witness of Christ, the mission is the only time in your life, even if you return with a spouse, that you can dedicate your mind 100% to the gospel and the Lord without having any other worries, concerns, or people to take care of. The closeness one has the opportunity to have to the Lord on a mission can not be faked or found in any other way. I think that is why every young man is asked to serve a mission if he is able. The growing that happens there can not be made up through any course of study, any job, or any relationship other than the daily study of the scriptures, the constant labor of mission work, and the relationship between you and the Holy Ghost as you work to find and help those you serve in a mission. OK, time for me to get off my soap box. Katie, I am proud of you, you are doing exactly what is right for you and I look forward, as much as you should as well, to the growing that will rake place as you serve the Lord over the next 18 months. When you report in July, just remember what President Hinckley's father told him, "...Forget yourself and get to work!". This will make you happier than you can ever imagine, the only thing that I have found to match it is spending time with my, in my case future, eternal companion. Good Luck and Have Fun!!!!
Ok, so it has been a while since March 27th when I proposed to Dyan, but it took a little bit to get some photos to through in here. I decorated the back patio with lights, had some slow music playing, and she came over after her class to get a "surprise". I told her that the surprise was the ice cream that I had waiting for her, and that I wanted to talk to her about her day. I can honestly say that I have never been so nervous in my entire life. We ate the ice cream and then I told her that the first time I danced with her would not be at our wedding. I turned up the music a little bit and asked her to dance with me. While we danced we played a game I made up called "Question and Answer". The rules are basic, I say, "Question?" and she says, "Answer.". Then I get to ask any question I want and she gives me an honest answer. The roles can be switched of course but I said, "Question?", which brought the awaited for "Answer." and I asked if I could keep her. She said yes and I asked, "For how long?". She told me that I could keep her for an eternity. I stepped back, pulled out the ring and said something to the effects of, "Well then, if it is going to be for an eternity, will you marry me?". She said yes and the rest as they say is history. Dyan is amazing and in a million years I would have never thought that I could be as lucky as I am. She is the greatest thing to happen to me and she helps me be a better person and will help me be the husband and eternal companion that she deserves... We are in love, not much more to say.

Friday, March 16, 2007
Grandma Szabo and Rachie

Rachel loves walking up to people and asking... well, more like telling them to read to her. No, just kidding, she is really good about asking. It is fun to see how smart she and Jayne are. I expect them to say goo-goo and ga-ga, and they open their mouths and speak in complete sentences using words that I am pretty sure I didn't use till I was in High School. Grandma Szabo got to spend about three weeks here, but with work and school I didn't have a chance to see her as much as I hoped. Hopefully we will have better luck the next time.
Dyan and Jayne

Dyan and co-workers
Playing Dress Up

Dyan had a work banquet that we went to back in January. Her boss won a ton of awards and we had the chance to go and support him. He is a really nice guy and Dyan loves working with him. It was a fun night and it gave me the opportunity to get all dressed up and surprise Dyan. She didn't know that I had rented a tux. She looked amazing as always and it felt nice going out and spending some time with her and her co-workers. She is really photogenic, and I am... well, not. If was a fun time though and I got to learn a lot more about what she does at work.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
D and Me

Dyan and I started seeing each other last September and have been dating basically since then. She is working on her Bachelors in Accounting at Arizona State University and works with a financial planner. She does both full time and still seems to find time to hang out with me too. This is a picture of us over at my parent's house. She is sweet, smart, and in all honesty one of the most beautiful woman I have ever met. I am currently working on a plan to keep her around for quite a while. We will have to see how it all works out.
Pirates are people too.

On our last day in Cali. we decided to go down to the peer and take some pictures. While we were looking in shops and trying to find someplace to grab a bight to eat we came across this Large wooden pirate. We couldn't resist taking a few pictures with him and it wasn't untill much later that we all noticed that we had all been wearing hats, black shirts and jeans that day. Now, we could say that great minds think a like and that is why, but I prefer to think that these two were just copying me and crampin' my style. ;-}
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
My Nieces
Me and my boys
Old Town San Diego
Perfect Stranger
Early Fu-Man-Chu
Swords are cool, fun, and safe!
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